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Montag, August 13, 2007

finally its good...

After Russia gained some further attention by putting a flag deep in the water under the northpole ice, two other nations, Canada and Denmark, announced interest in the area. I am not sure how far you get with under water land-connections in the law of nations, but maybe there will be some solution after we found the oil and gas sources that are assumed to be situated there...

But why is the northpole suddenly of such big interest? Haven't there been sources all the time? Is it because the Russians put that flag down there? Or did all three have another idea in mind? Yes, there is something: global warming! It makes the northpole melt away - et voilá! It's cockaigne, you just get your buckets and skim all the black gold. Your chances are getting better every day, no ice, no problem, gold rush!

Hey wait! There was something - ah global warming. Wasn't that an issue some hippies couldn't stop talking about? Wasn't that the reason why the northpole is melting and isn't that somehow connected to oil? Wasn't that global warming and the melting a catastrophe for the whole world? Cannot remember.

Finally it is good that the Arctic is melting - so we get alot of oil. There is just this minor question about the ownership - maybe we will have some war about it. This or that way - first everyone will go on his own and destroy as much as he can and at the end we will sit down together on our helmets and cooperate to rebuild everything.

Maybe we should have some conference on the northpole. I mean ON the northpole, and during those hours we sit and talk there, we can argue whether it's getting warmer or not.

Sincerely, that is really getting on my balls (satire ends here): Putting national interests above an issue that is severe for all nations. How ignorant can one be to claim ownership of the northpole in order to get the oil out of it when it is the oil that makes the northpole melt? What misunderstanding of the sense of life is it to evoke conflicts above a disaster to mankind? Why still competition first and cooperation second?
